Welcome to SSC Kids
Welcome families and volunteers! Our children’s ministry seeks to help children find home in a family devoted to following Jesus. We aim to create an environment on Sunday mornings that engages the heart, mind, and faith of children through loving volunteers who seek to model Jesus to our kids.
Guest Pre-registration
We look forward to meeting your family! You can pre-register your children before arriving on Sunday. Our SSC greeters will welcome you at the front doors of the church and point you in the direction of our kids ministry. A kids team volunteer will welcome your child, answer any questions you have, and help your child get connected.
Our kids ministry volunteers make a big difference in the lives of our children at Summer Street Church by committing to the following: praying for our kids, serving once a month as a volunteer, and helping with simple classroom set up and tear down. If you are a parent or are interested in serving, please fill out our volunteer application below.