Hope House Haiti
Summer Street Church partners financially with Hope House Haiti. On January 12, 2010, Haiti suffered a devastating earthquake, with a death toll estimated at 220,000. The capital city, Port-au-Prince, was effectively leveled. Around 1.5 million Haitians were left homeless, cholera and other diseases thrived and many people lived in make shift camps, struggling to find enough food and clean water.
In the aftermath of the earthquake, with so many displaced people, Yvrose, a Haitian born teacher, and her husband Pierre Richard felt strongly that God was calling them to work amongst the poor and needy in their home land. They set about trying to reunite displaced and orphaned children with members of their families. When all avenues were exhausted, they looked after the remaining children themselves and set up a home which currently offers a safe and loving family environment for close to 40 children aged from a few months old up to young adults in their twenties. They live by faith, trusting God to provide their most basic needs of food, shelter, clean water, and medicines.
Missionary Flights International
Summer Street Church partners financially with Missionary Flights International. Don Beldin was just one man flying a small single-engine airplane in the 1960s for Youth for Christ evangelism in the Bahamas. Responding to need, Don began transporting other missionaries and equipment in his plane. In 1964, the Lord guided Don to incorporate Missionary Flights International (MFI) to meet the growing needs of Bible-centered missions. The need for air service increased, so MFI acquired larger planes and added new countries.
Today, MFI operates out of two hangars flying turbine-powered DC-3s to meet the needs of over 450 missions in the Bahamas, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and wherever the Lord directs. About 300 tons of cargo and 4,000 Christian workers are transported every year.